Thursday 6 August 2009

Clinton in Congo: ActionAid calls for end to violence against women and girls in Congo

"We call on Secretary Clinton to lead the US response to end violence against women and girls particularly in the light of her involvement as a co-sponsor of the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA) in the last session of Congress," said Bibiane Mbaye, ActionAid’s Policy Coordinator in West and Central Africa.

Over 600 civilians have been killed in the country, thousands of women and girls raped, dozens of villages burned to the ground and over 800,000 people displaced from their homes since the start of military operations in January.

"Women and girls have been bearing the brunt of this war for close to fifteen years. The culture of impunity in the face of gross violations against the rights of women and girls must end," said Mbaye.
It is estimated that close to 80,000 people were displaced from their homes in June alone and the exodus continues. In such situations, women and girls are at increased risk of violence and HIV/AIDS.

"We call on the US to fulfil their commitments to resource and implement a comprehensive approach to ending the violence," said Alpha Sankoh, ActionAid’s country programme manager in DRC.

"Ongoing fighting in the east of the country has put women and girls in a precarious position as increasingly many of them are raped when trying to escape and this must end," he added.

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