Friday 21 August 2009

A former sponsored child's success prompts career goal of serving others

In 2007, Mayungo Mugandi completed his secondary education, thanks to his World Vision sponsor. Now 21, Mayungo plans to attend college in order to serve others.

August 2009

Mayungo, 21, (right) lives in Zambia with his mother, cousin, and nephew. Thanks to his World Vision sponsorship, Mayungo can pursue his dream of attending college and becoming a social worker.
Mayungo, 21, (right) lives in Zambia with his mother, cousin, and nephew. Thanks to his World Vision sponsorship, Mayungo can pursue his dream of attending college and becoming a social worker.
Photo ©2009 Collins Kaumba/World Vision

“Because World Vision has set an example, I [hope] to pay back by doing social work in order to advocate for the poor and for vulnerable children like me,” says Mayungo.

A difficult life

Growing up in rural Zambia, Mayungo experienced a great deal of loss throughout his childhood. Even though he was born into a family of 11, he is the only surviving child.

In addition to losing multiple children, both of Mayungo’s parents have health conditions that made it difficult for them to provide for Mayungo or pay for his schooling. Mary, Mayungo’s mother, is blind and weaves baskets out of grass to generate a meager income of just $4 a month. Mayungo helps her by gathering the grass from nearby fields for her baskets. Mayungo’s father has a mental illness and no longer lives with the family.

The blessing of an education

Because of the gift of a World Vision sponsor, Mayungo had the chance to go to school. In 2007, he completed high school and now provides for his mother. “If it [had not been] for God’s hand [through] World Vision, sponsoring me to finish my education up to secondary level, I would have never had a chance to be in class,” says Mayungo.

As a child sponsored through World Vision, Mayungo received access to food, clean water, health care, and education. Now that he has graduated from high school, Mayungo will become independent of sponsorship as he enters his college years.

Sponsor Now.
Sponsor a child in Zambia. Your love and support can be the building blocks for one child like Mayungo to grow up and become a blessing to others in need.
Determined and focused, Mayungo hopes to go to college to study social work and pursue dreams of advocating for other children who are like him. “I chose this career because World Vision has set an example for me,” he explains.

Reflecting upon the impact of his sponsorship, Mayungo says, “Life has never been easy for me, but I thank God World Vision helped me to carry the burden by supporting me in school with boarding fees, books, uniforms, clothes, blankets, and many other needs. My parents have also been supported with food to survive.”

Gratitude and purpose

Mary Mugandi rejoices in her son’s sponsorship and the things that Mayungo has been able to achieve. “Those children of God have done wonderful things in my life…my child has now completed his secondary school. How could my husband and I manage to [support] such a thing [in] our conditions?
Mayungo helps his mother, who is blind, to weave baskets by collecting grass from nearby fields.
Mayungo helps his mother, who is blind, to weave baskets by collecting grass from nearby fields.
Photo ©2009 Collins Kaumba/World Vision
“It was going to be impossible. This is the greatest gift World Vision has ever given to me, and I’ll never forget it. My child is doing all these wonderful things because of his education.” Mary has good reason celebrate her son’s educational achievements, as only 17.5 percent of Zambian students actually complete high school.

Mayungo also wonders about the kind of person he would have become if World Vision sponsorship hadn’t allowed him to finish school. Through his education, Mayungo not only learned inside the classroom, but he became a responsible young man who takes care of his family. “I really thank my sponsor for being kind-hearted to help me all the way. My family and I greatly appreciate this,” Mayungo says, his eyes now looking toward a future that holds purpose.

Because of the generosity of World Vision sponsors, hundreds of thousands of children like Mayungo obtain the basic needs of food, health care, and education. Not only are physical necessities met, but children receive the gift of a hopeful future that leads to a life beyond poverty — a life that reaches out to others in need.

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