Friday 14 August 2009

ICC Prosecutor: No Temporary Release for Jean-Pierre Bemba

International Criminal Court Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo will today appeal the decision by Pre-Trial Chamber II to grant Jean-Pierre Bemba conditional release until his trial. The Prosecution “considers that Mr. Bemba, who is still physically in detention in The Hague , should stay in prison. The Appeals Chamber will review whether the decision to release Mr. Bemba is correct”.

On August 24, the Prosecution’s arguments will be presented.
Additionally, there is no prospect of immediate release. At this stage, States identified by the Defence as potential hosts have expressed objections or concerns about accepting Mr Bemba on their territory for this interim period.

“The judges of the ICC have confirmed that Mr. Bemba must stand trial to answer the very serious charges that have been brought against him” said the Prosecutor. “Victims and witnesses can be confident that the trial will take place in the near future and that the Court will continue to guarantee their safety”.

The International Criminal Court is an independent, permanent court that investigates and prosecutes persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concern, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

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