Friday 21 August 2009

In the face of HIV and malnutrition, a family finds hope through World Vision assistance and the support of a sponsor

Agricultural assistance, medical care, and a sponsor’s love transformed life for this struggling family in Rwanda, showing them that they are not alone.

August 2009

Jacqueline and Alexandre were once burdened with worries about HIV and how to feed their three children. Thanks to World Vision's help, this family now leads happy, productive lives.
Jacqueline and Alexandre were once burdened with worries about HIV and how to feed their three children. Thanks to World Vision's help, this family now leads happy, productive lives.
Photo ©2009 Andrea Peer/World Vision

Alexandre, a father of three, who lives in the small African country of Rwanda, says that the prayers of his son’s sponsor are giving his entire family hope to live. “If the sponsor is praying [for] and supporting the child, then his future is secured,” says Alexandre, who once had every reason to worry about his family’s future.

Burdened with HIV

Less than two years ago, Alexandre and his wife, Jacqueline, found out that they were both HIV positive. At the time, Jacqueline was five months pregnant. “I felt my time to die had come,” she says. Jacqueline received pills to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission, but otherwise, she and Alexandre tried to live in denial of their HIV status. But their health only continued to deteriorate.

The concerns about HIV came at a time when Alexandre and Jacqueline were already burdened with worries about providing for their children. “It was one of the most difficult times in our family,” remembers Jacqueline. “We did not have enough food.”

‘Our children suffered’

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Help provide care for children and families affected by HIV and AIDS, like Alexandre, Jacqueline, and their three sons.
Occasionally, Alexandre was able to work in others’ fields, but often, he was too weak. When he did have energy for physical labor, he would earn about $0.30 U.S. per day, barely enough to buy a handful of potatoes.

Hunger only worsened the struggle with HIV, but it wasn’t just Alexandre and his wife whose health was at risk. “Even our children suffered a lot. Our older son was showing signs of malnutrition,” says Alexandre. The children were thin, nauseous, and had continual diarrhea.

“We were thinking that we were about to perish as a family,” remembers Jacqueline.

Food and medication

Alexandre playfully swings his son, Peace. This father of three dearly loves his children.
Alexandre playfully swings his son, Peace. This father of three dearly loves his children.
Photo ©2009 Andrea Peer/World Vision
But today, thanks to help they received from World Vision, Alexandre, Jacqueline, and their three children are healthy and thriving. World Vision staff members encouraged Alexandre and Jacqueline to join a group for people living with HIV and AIDS. There, they received emotional support and learned about anti-retroviral medication that could help them live healthy lives, even with HIV.

As the family began to regain their strength, World Vision also provided seeds and agricultural training to improve long-term food security. “World Vision taught us how to grow food and produce so we could have a good harvest,” says Alexandre. Now, the family is producing enough food to eat and sell, and hunger and malnutrition are no longer a concern.

The love of a sponsor

Through his World Vision sponsorship, Josue receives benefits like access to health care and education.
Through his World Vision sponsorship, Josue receives benefits like access to health care and education.
Photo ©2009 Andrea Peer/World Vision
World Vision also matched Alexandre’s oldest son, Josue, with a sponsor, whose generous support is helping to provide medical care and education. “When he is sick, World Vision covers all of his medical bills,” says Alexandre. “Because of [sponsorship], [Josue] can get a school uniform and school materials,” he adds.

The love that Josue’s sponsor shares through letters has been an encouragement and motivation to the entire family. “Another thing that gives us comfort is when the sponsor says, ‘I always pray for you,’” says Alexandre, who believes in the power of prayer. “We too, pray for our sponsor.”

A new life

Alexandre does some work in the garden outside his family's home.
Alexandre does some work in the garden outside his family's home.
Photo ©2009 Andrea Peer/World Vision
Thanks to World Vision, Alexandre and his wife no longer live in fear; they have learned how to lead healthy, productive lives, despite their HIV status. Alexandre works hard to provide for his family, and has even begun teaching others how to start gardens. “The life that I have right now, even the life of my family, it is because of World Vision,” he says. “They gave me seeds to grow and they are still assisting me.”

Because of their World Vision sponsor, this family has also learned that they do not have to deal with their struggles alone. “It is amazing to learn that there are people who are compassionate enough to help people they don’t even know,” says Alexandre, marveling at the sponsor whose love helped to change his family’s life.

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