Wednesday 26 August 2009

Where are they now?

Amina Janjua holding a photo of her husband
Four years ago in Pakistan, Amina Janjua's husband Masood left home to catch a bus with a friend. She has not seen him since.

'This is the worst thing to happen to anyone.' Amina says, 'If someone dies you cry and people console you and after some time you come to terms with it, but if someone disappears, you cannot breathe, it is the bitterest of agonies.'

When Amina was able to piece together the truth, she discovered that both her husband and his coll
eague Faisal had been taken into secret detention by the ISI, Pakistan's intelligence agency. Sadly for her, there has still been no official confirmation of what happened to them both.

Around the world governments are carrying out this gross violation of human rights, snatching people away from their families for holding certain political opinions, religious beliefs or simply for taking part in a peaceful protest.

This Sunday is the International Day of the Disappeared.

The UK government could help end this vile practice by signing the UN Convention on Enforced Disappearances, but inexplicably they've dithered and delayed for over two years.
The longer it takes for this crucial legislation to become law, the more people will suffer.

Please email the Justice Minister Jack Straw now

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